World Explorer is a 2D pixel-art adventure game made for GMTK Game Jam 2022 in 48 hours by a beginner game developer known as SparrowDev. Try to survive and collect the CUBE OF GODS in the harsh environment of an unusual rocky planet guarded by an ancient civilazation. Every time you fail your and your planet's statistics change which makes it harder to avoid obstacles. 

Note: Web version doesn't work!

[INTERCOM] (Important Information)                          [16.07.2082]

Hi Joe! We are so glad to have such an amazing astronaut working on our team, willing to take part in one of the most important space missions in the history of mankind. But first, let us brief you on the details regarding your task of collecting information about the strangest planet we know of and retrieving an unusual object we called "The Cube of Gods". You will be placed on a harsh rocky planet that literally breaks the laws of physics and is guarded by dangerous robots created by an ancient civilization that we theorize went extinct about 2022 years ago. Don't be too worried though, these robots seem to be way dumber than the ones we used to create back on Earth before the *cough* accident. However that doesn't make them harmless, one bullet shot by these robots could be devastating so make sure to watch out for them. What else - Oh! Yeah, watch out for rocks that are also on this planet, we know because of your condition these can be very harmful to you and we would like to still have you on our team. In some places you might find some lava but don't worry the previous astronauts placed platforms over them so that all future explorers like you would have less trouble completing their missions. Your oxygen tank is expected to last for a long time, much longer than you need but you can't survive without it so keep an eye on your oxygen tank! That is all we wanted to say. In about 12 hours your spaceship will be ready for take off and your journey will take up to 10 hours. We wish you good luck and remember to stay safe!

[INTERCOM] message was sent by Milky Way Space Exploration Administration (MWSEA)


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The web build doesn't seem to work :(

(1 edit)

Yes I know, I wrote about it in my devlog. I think it may be an issue with the site because I don't see anything wrong with the files I uploaded. Unfortunately I can't do anything to change it, now that the submissions are closed :/, but you can still download the game on Windows and it should work just fine.