Site Update

Quite a bit of time has passed since I submitted my game and I must say although as I mentioned in a previous devlog my web build isn't working a lot more people checked out my game than I expected :). I got a lot of comments too, and once again thanks to everyone who did post a comment, with them I can see how others experience my game. Ok, but now back to the devlog. First of all the colors of my game's site have now changed from a brown color resembling the planet our player explores to blue reminding everyone of the beauty of our planet's sky. I also added an [INTERRCOM] log that showcases a message sent to Joe (the character that is controlled by the player) by NASA some time before he was sent on a dangerous mission to another planet. This message contains helpful tips for the player because I found out how confusing my game seems at the very beginning without a tutorial. I can't add a tutorial into the game since the submissions are closed so this piece of information has to act as one. Another small change, now you can see screenshots on the site AND on the submission entry which I think makes the site look a little bit better. That is all i have to say in this devlog. I am going to watch GMTK's stream now, I wish everyone a pleasant day.

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